About Us

Hello! We are the Wilcocks. In January 2018, after over 3 years of waiting for him, we were full term and due to welcome our miracle baby, Sam, into the world. When Sam was born it became obvious that our time with him would not be what we had expected and dreamed of. After a day of tears, love, and many miracles, we took Sam off of life support and let him go back home to our Heavenly Father to take care of him until we can see him again.
Through our experience of losing our son we are continually carried by our love of each other and Sam, our family, and our faith. We have seen SO. MANY. MIRACLES. And we have felt a deep need to help carry other families who are experiencing the loss of an infant.
Simply A Miracle exists to help others experience and see the miracles, even as they experience heartache and loss. We hope you will join us on this journey and be a part of a miracle!

Our Mission
At Simply A Miracle, our mission is to provide emotional and financial support to families that lose babies.

Our Vision
We believe that family matters most, especially after loss. We want to create a world where financial and emotional burdens never prevent families from grieving, loving, remembering, and healing together.

Thank you platinum sponsors!
Our Services
Family matters most, and that is especially true during times of tragedy and loss. Since we started in 2019, we have provided families who experience the loss of an infant with financial and emotional support, and we have resources for them so that they are better able to focus on grieving, healing, and remembering their little one together. Learn more here.